HTML Colors preferences

Use the HTML Colors preferences to control the background, text, and tag colors in the HTML Source inspector.

Background Specifies the background color of the HTML Source inspector. This color appears only when you click or type in the HTML Source inspector; when focus is not in the HTML Source inspector, its background color is a medium gray.

Text Specifies the color of text that appears between tags (for example, in the code <b>some text</b>, the words "some text" appear in Text color, but the tags do not). To override the Text color for a specific tag, select the Include Contents option.

Comments Specifies the color for comment tags (<!-- -->) and their contents.

Tag Default Specifies the color for all tags except comments. To override the Tag Default color, set the color for specific tags.

Tag Specific Allows you to override the Tag Default and Text color settings by specifying colors for specific tags.

To set a color for a specific tag:

1 Select a tag in the Tag Specific box.
Shift-click to select multiple adjacent tags or Control-click (Windows) or Command-click (Macintosh) to select multiple nonadjacent tags.
2 Click the radio button next to the color swatch at the bottom of the panel and use one of these methods to choose a new color value:
In the text field next to the swatch, enter a hexadecimal value.
Click the color swatch and select a new color from the palette of browser-safe colors or the system color picker.
3 To color the text between the opening and closing tags, select Apply Color to Tag Contents.